In Acts 2:42 we find that the early Church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” In other words, they were committed to learning the things of God, they were dedicated to building a culture of supportive community, open acceptance, and embracing love where relationships could flourish and thrive, and they were determined to seek God through prayer! The result of this was that “Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.”
Join us as we devote ourselves to the captivating Word of God, to a community of active love, and to the mighty work of prayer, then watch and see how God fills your life with His displays of awesome power!
Women’s (18+) Bible Study
Leaders: Tahne Gollwitzer, Pamela Freeze
Location: LWC, East Room
Day / Time: Wednesdays, 9:45 AM
Topic: “Experiencing Intimacy with God”, Christa Kinde

We invite you to join
our morning Women’s
Group for a time of fellowship, worship,
and Bible study with
group discussion
and praying for one another.
Bible Study Series Description
In our hearts, we all want to experience closeness with God. We want to know Him and be known by Him. We long to see Him face to face, hear His voice, and touch His hand. We want to hear Him call us His child, His friend, His beloved. Yet in all of our yearnings, we often miss the simple truth
that God is already with us! He is already closer to us than any sister, friend, or other human being could ever be–if only we could have our eyes opened to this reality. In this study, readers will be challenged to come to this reality and see how the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives. They will be challenged to consistently meet with God each day and reveal their true selves to Him–the good, the bad, and the ugly–so they can develop a closer relationship with Him.
Women’s (18+) Bible Study
Leader: Liz Thompson
Location: LWC, West Room
Time: 7:00 PM
Topic: Daniel

Join us for an in-depth study of
God’s Word with
times of instruction
and discussion and
prayer for each
other’s needs.
Bible Study Series Description
The Book of Daniel is revered for its vivid prophecies, but also for a life-transforming truth: that God’s will is sovereign over every human being. Focusing on the here and now instead of what may be, this study offers historical insights, daily applications, and stimulating discussion questions to help you see God’s hand in your life.